back to school

Top 11 Tips for Back to High School

Top 11 Tips for Back to High School

Heading back to high school? Whether you’re a high school junior or a senior these tips will help you quickly get into gear for fall semester in terms of your classes, the college admissions process, test prep and, of course, your scholarship search. Yes – there’s a lot to remember – but these tips will help you keep everything on track all semester long by starting out organized, with a plan and with right goals in mind.

Five ways parents can help children have a better school year

Five ways parents can help children have a better school year

The 2021-2022 school year upended conventional notions about what students can or should be able to do by a certain age or grade. Teachers, principals and parents were all caught off guard by some of the trickle-down effects they saw on children returning to in-person schooling.