9 Things High School Sophomores Should Be Doing

If you will be a high school sophomore in the fall, the prospects of going to college should be becoming more real. As a sophomore, here are seven things you can do to get ready for that milestone:

Start researching colleges: High school sophomores should begin researching colleges that interest them. They can use resources like college websites, college fairs, and online forums to learn more about schools that align with their interests and career goals.

  1. Focus on academics:

    Sophomore year is an important year for academics. Students should prioritize their coursework and aim for good grades. Strong academic performance can help students qualify for scholarships and gain admission to their desired colleges.

  2. Take standardized tests:

    Sophomores should take the PSAT, SAT, or ACT to prepare for college admissions tests. These tests are a critical component of college applications, and strong scores can improve a student's chances of getting into their top-choice schools.

  3. Get involved in extracurricular activities:

    Extracurricular activities can help students develop skills and interests, and they can also make a college application stand out. High school sophomores should find activities they enjoy and commit to them over the next few years.

  4. Meet with a guidance counselor:

    High school guidance counselors can provide valuable advice on course selection, college admissions, and scholarship opportunities. Sophomores should schedule a meeting with their guidance counselor to discuss their plans for college.

  5. Plan college visits:

    Visiting colleges in person can help students get a sense of the campus culture and academic programs. Sophomores should plan to visit colleges they are interested in during school breaks or weekends.

  6. Research financial aid options:

    College can be expensive, and financial aid can make it more affordable. High school sophomores should research financial aid options like scholarships, grants, and student loans to get a better understanding of how they can pay for college.

  7. Develop good study habits:

    Developing good study habits early can pay off in college. Sophomores should aim to establish a regular study schedule, take notes, and participate in class discussions to develop strong study skills.

  8. Build relationships with teachers:

    Building relationships with teachers can be beneficial when it comes time to ask for college recommendations. High school sophomores should aim to build good relationships with their teachers by participating in class and asking for help when needed.

  9. Stay organized:

    Staying organized is important in high school and college. Sophomores should start developing good organizational skills by keeping track of their assignments, deadlines, and extracurricular activities. This will help them stay on top of their responsibilities and prepare for college-level work.

Overall, high school sophomores can take a variety of steps to prepare for college. By focusing on academics, researching colleges, and getting involved in extracurricular activities, students can set themselves up for success in college and beyond.